Slide decks I used in some recent discussions of the following papers.
The Zero-Beta Interest Rate by Di Tella, Hébert, Kurlat and Wang
Textual Analysis of Short-seller Research Reports by van Binsbergen, Han, and Lopez-Lira
Valuing Financial Data by Farboodi, Singal, Veldkamp, and Venkateswaran
Political Polarization in Financial News by Goldman, Gupta, and Israelsen
Risk Factors that Matter: Textual Analysis of Risk Disclosures for the Cross-Section of Returns by Lopez-Lira
Deep Learning Mutual Fund Disclosure: Risk Sentiment, Risk Taking, and Performance by Cao, Yang, and Zhang
Leveraged Funds and the Shadow Cost of Leverage by Lu and Qin
Failure to Share Natural Disaster Risk by Tomunen
The Perils of Crying ’Fake News’ by Luo, Manconi, and Massa
Intermediaries and Asset Prices: Evidence from the U.S., U.K., and Japan, 1870-2016 by Baron and Muir